Massive Aggressive
EaracheTrack listing:
01. Masked By Delirium
02. Mech-Cannibal
03. Divine Blasphemer
04. Massive Aggressive
05. Wolves Of Chernobyl
06. Relentless Threat
07. The Wrath Of The Severed Head
08. Upside Down Church
09. Shredded Offering
10. Media Skeptic
11. Horny For Blood
12. Wrong Answer
13. Acid Sentence
Before catching these Richmond, VA retro-thrashers in action several months ago, I had been a fan of their energetic crossover, but had yet to really immerse myself into their discography. Maybe it was the way in which they stormed the stage and won over a crowd of testosterone-fueled pit jockeys and yawning elitists with their "let's drink to metal" attitude and unhinged intensity. Or maybe it was the way in which vocalist Tony Foresta ushered in the song "Terror Shark", telling the tale of a shark that shot lasers out of his eyes into tits, followed by an emphatic scream of "Titty-fuck your sssoooouuuullll!" which became the most repeated phrase of the evening. Whatever it was, MUNICIPAL WASTE had proved themselves to be one of the best times in metal today, a distinction they hold onto tightly with "Massive Aggressive".
Just as every album that came before it, "Massive Aggressive" is a straightforward crossover thrash fest straight from the schools of early SUICIDAL TENDENCIES, NUCLEAR ASSAULT and D.R.I. Unlike the majority of today's retro movement, this is a band that has managed to grow within the confines of their chosen style and become a much bigger and badder monster than anyone would have expected. If you go back through the group's collection, you can see where the elements of punk, hardcore and thrash have gradually been merging into one another until this newest effort, where they have all finally become one giant mishmash of old-school badassery. Not that MUNICIPAL WASTE is breaking new ground here (nor do they need to),they're just getting really damn good at what they do.
Never known their social commentary, MUNICIPAL WASTE once again fly the smartass flag with yet another collection of campy horror-themed songs. No, "Horny For Blood" or "Wrath Of The Severed Head" are never going to be this generation's "Countdown To Extinction", but who cares? These are good tunes that bring good times and that's exactly what "Massive Aggressive" is meant to be. On those nights when it's just you, some good buds and cold suds, this is what you want screaming out of your speakers. Don't be afraid to push the decibels past the point of pain on this one, you'll be hung over in the morning anyway.